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Preflight class

bring cloud;
bring util;

class Foo {
pub field1: str; // <-- readonly
pub var field2: num; // <-- reassignable
inflight field3: Array<str>;

new() {
this.field1 = "hello";
this.field2 = 123;

setField2(value: num): void {
this.field2 = value;

inflight new() {
this.field3 = ["value created on inflight init"];
log("at inflight init");

pub inflight doStuff() {
// all code is async and runs on the cloud

let f = new Foo();

new cloud.Function(inflight () => {

Inflight interface

bring cloud;

inflight interface IProfile {
inflight name(): str;

inflight class WingPerson impl IProfile {
pub inflight name(): str {
return "Fairy Wing";

let logName = inflight(profile: IProfile): void => {

new cloud.Function(inflight () => {
logName(new WingPerson());

Preflight interface

bring cloud;
* Preflight Interface
interface IKVStore extends std.IResource { //
inflight get(key: str): Json;
inflight set(key: str, value: Json): void;

class BucketBasedKeyValueStore impl IKVStore {
bucket: cloud.Bucket;
new() {
this.bucket = new cloud.Bucket();
pub inflight get(key: str): Json {
return this.bucket.getJson(key);
pub inflight set(key: str, value: Json): void {
this.bucket.putJson(key, value);

Complete IKVStore

bring cloud;

interface IKVStore extends std.IResource {
inflight get(key: str): Json;
inflight set(key: str, value: Json): void;

class BucketBasedKeyValueStore impl IKVStore {
bucket: cloud.Bucket;
new() {
this.bucket = new cloud.Bucket();
pub inflight get(key: str): Json {
return this.bucket.getJson(key);
pub inflight set(key: str, value: Json): void {
this.bucket.putJson(key, value);

let bucketBased: IKVStore = new BucketBasedKeyValueStore();

test "bucketBased KVStore" {
bucketBased.set("k", Json {
value: "v"
let result = bucketBased.get("k");
assert("v" == str.fromJson(result.get("value")));