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Deceleration and Initialization

Required fields

struct Example {
a: str;
b: num;
c: bool;

let example = Example { a: "a", b: 0, c: false };
log(example.a); // prints "a"

Optional fields

struct Example {
a: str?;
b: num?;
c: bool?;

let example = Example { };
if example.a == nil {
log("a is nil");


struct Another {
hello: str;

struct MyData {
a: str;
b: num?;
c: Another;

let data = MyData {
a: "hello",
c: Another {
hello: "two"

log(data.a); // prints hello
log(data.c.hello); // prints two

Struct expansion in function calls

struct Options {
prefix: str?;
delim: str;

let join_str = (a: Array<str>, opts: Options):str => {
let prefix = opts.prefix ?? "";
return prefix + a.join(opts.delim);

log(join_str(["hello", "world"], delim: ", ")); // "!"

// also OK to pass an object
let opts = Options { delim: "," };
log(join_str(["hello", "world"], opts)); // "!!hello/world");