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[Template] Standard Runbook

Runbook: [Name]

Short description and relevant issue link(s).


What is required to follow this runbook? e.g.

  • What tools are needed?
  • What permissions are required?


Describe the scenario that this runbook is for. What are the symptoms? What are the causes? What are the effects? If possible, post error snippets, screenshots, and/or logs. This can be used to create a useful search index.


What are the steps to investigate this scenario? What are the tools to use? What are the things to look for?


What is the immediate response to this scenario? This should be a detailed step-by-step guide to resolving the issue.


What are the steps to verify that the issue is resolved?


What is the escalation path for this scenario? Who should be notified? What are the steps to notify them? What is the severity of this scenario?