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Kubernetes (k8s)

A framework for synthesizing Kubernetes manifests using Winglang.


Install the Wing CLI:

npm i -g winglang

Create a new project and install this library:

mkdir wing-loves-k8s
cd wing-loves-k8s
npm i @winglibs/k8s


Let's define an app with a simple Kubernetes object:

// main.w
bring k8s;

new k8s.ApiObject(
apiVersion: "v1",
kind: "ConfigMap",
spec: {
data: {
key: "value",

Now, compile it to YAML:

$ wing compile -t @winglibs/k8s ubuntu.main.w


The output is a valid K8S YAML is in target/ubuntu.main.k8s:

$ ls target/ubuntu.main.k8s

Creating Helm charts

You can set WING_K8S_OUTPUT to helm in order to produce a helm chart instead of simple manifest. This requires a Chart.yaml file next in the current directory.

Default labels and namespace

You can use the WING_K8S_LABELS environment variable to apply labels to all resources in an app. The value is a JSON-encoded map.

The WING_K8S_NAMESPACE variable can be used to specify the default namespace.

export WING_K8S_LABELS='{ "my-label": "123", "your-label": "444" }'
export WING_K8S_NAMESPACE='my-namespace'
wing compile -t @winglibs/k8s main.w

CDK8s Support

This library supports cdk8s and cdk8s-plus, so you can do stuff like this:

npm i cdk8s-plus-27

And then:

bring "cdk8s-plus-27" as k8s;

// lets create a volume that contains our app.
let appData = new k8s.ConfigMap();

let appVolume = k8s.Volume.fromConfigMap(this, "App", appData);

// lets create a deployment to run a few instances of a pod
let deployment = new k8s.Deployment(
replicas: 3,

// now we create a container that runs our app
let appPath = "/var/lib/app";
let port = 80;
let container = deployment.addContainer({
image: "node:14.4.0-alpine3.12",
command: ["node", "index.js", "{port}"],
port: port,
workingDir: appPath,

// make the app accessible to the container
container.mount(appPath, appVolume);

// finally, we expose the deployment as a load balancer service and make it run
deployment.exposeViaService(serviceType: k8s.ServiceType.LOAD_BALANCER);


  • Support generating Wing bindings from K8S API specifications and CRDs (cdk8s import).



This library is licensed under the MIT License.

API Reference

Table of Contents

ApiObject (preflight class)

No description


new(props: ApiObjectProps): ApiObject


apiGroupstrThe group portion of the API version (e.g.
apiVersionstrThe object's API version (e.g.
chartChartThe chart in which this object is defined.
kindstrThe object kind.
metadataApiObjectMetadataDefinitionMetadata associated with this API object.
namestrThe name of the API object.


addDependency(dependencies: Array): void
Create a dependency between this ApiObject and other constructs.
addJsonPatch(ops: Array): void
Applies a set of RFC-6902 JSON-Patch operations to the manifest synthesized for this API object.
static isApiObject(o: any): boolReturn whether the given object is an ApiObject.
static of(c: IConstruct): ApiObjectReturns the ApiObject named Resource which is a child of the given construct.
toJson(): anyRenders the object to Kubernetes JSON.

ApiObjectProps (struct)

No description


apiVersionstrAPI version.
kindstrResource kind.
metadataApiObjectMetadata?Object metadata.
specJson?No description