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Regular expressions

Wing offers built-in support for regular expressions. Here are some examples of common regexp-related tasks in Wing.


let r = regex.compile("p([a-z]+)ch");

// Checks if the regular expression matches the provided text.

// Finds the first occurrence of the pattern within the text.
log(r.find("peach peach") ?? "");

// Finds all non-overlapping occurrences of the pattern within the text.
log(Json.stringify(r.findAll("peach punch pinch")));

// Finds the start and end index of all matches within the text.
log(Json.stringify(r.findAllIndex("peach punch pinch")));

// Finds the start and end index of the first match within the text.

// Finds the first match and its submatches.
log(Json.stringify(r.findSubmatch("peach punch")));

// Finds the start and end index of the match and all submatches.
log(Json.stringify(r.findSubmatchIndex("peach punch")));

// Replaces all occurrences of the match with a replacement string.
log(r.replaceAll("a peach", "<fruit>"));
Wing console output
# Run locally with wing console
wing it
